There are two ways to look at this scene.

a) The little monsters are tearing up my yard. Now I have to haul some dirt in to fill the hole.

b) It's just puppies being puppies and leaving me less grass to mow.

I normally go with b although there are days .....

Due to overcrowding we are being forced into more construction work. We are extending the roof in front of the office to give rain protection and shade for a number of dogs who live in the car park. We have also contracted to build another kennel area to relieve the crowding in our other buildings. The total cost will be about Baht 60,000 (US$1,900). We really cannot afford to do this but feel we must. We ask for your help by donating at or by bank transfer at:

Kasikorn Bank - Tesco Lotus North Pattaya Branch
Account Number: 014-2-97751-6
Account Name : Hope for Strays Foundation

Someone dropped these three cute little male puppies in a bucket beside the road next to our house. Even put collars on them so we could guarantee that they were left by someone. We will, of course, take them in but we do not have the space or the money to care for all the dogs we have. We will get them checked out and find a place for them. Please help, we need it.